Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The 14th Start-Up@Singapore comes with tons of new initiatives, challenges and opportunities for all.
We now have three challenges this year - the Biz Venture Challenge which is the traditional business plan competition, the Social Venture Challenge which aims to showcase pioneers in the field on social entrepreneurship and co-operatives, and the all new Product Showcase, which is our own take on a Science Fair- a platform for innovative and ground-breaking technological products!

8th February 2013 (Submission Deadline)


Category of Participant:
Open Category of both Social Venture Challenge and Biz Venture Challenge. For the Youth Category of 
Social Venture Challenge and Biz Venture Challenge, no participant must be 21 years old by 8 February 2013.


Official Website:

Type of Competition:

File links:

Professional Competitions Malaysia (PCM) is not the organizer of this competition.
The above information is just for your reference.
We are not responsible to any mistake/changes make by the organizer.
For more details about the competition, please contact the organizer.
Please e-mail to professionalcompetitions@gmail.com if you found any inaccurate information.
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Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/professionalcompetitions
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Thanks for your support.

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